Calvary has four different areas of ministry that help guide us. They are:
Education Fellowship, Prayer/Mission, & Worship
These areas of ministry function as needed to foster opportunities within our congregation, locally, and around the world for personal growth and evangelism.
Our education team oversees teaching opportunities for all ages.
Children & Students
Kids Club
–Wednesday 6pm–meal, 6:30-7:30–Classtime. This program meets throughout the school year (Sept-May) and uses a Bible Based curriculum that focuses on teaching and living into the Gospel. Kids Club is for children aged Pre-School through 8th grade.
High School Youth Group
–building opens at 7pm, group 7:30-8:30 with fellowship afterward. This program meets through the school year as well. It meets at the youth building which is located on main street in Monroe. The youth group also has summer events and time of service as planned.
Vacation Bible School
–every summer we have a fun five days of activities and games through VBS. The focus of the week is always to learn more about Jesus Christ and the message of the Gospel. We have Bible School worship service during Sunday worship of the same week.
Small Groups
–Meet as they can to study various topics and share life together.
Adult Sunday School
–meets before Sunday worship to study Scripture through Bible study or other Christian Sunday School materials.
Prayer and Mission
Weekly Prayer Meetings–the prayer team meets to pray for the activities of the church.
Special Prayer Meetings–we host different prayer vigils throughout the year and other opportunities to prayer services.
Missionary Connection–we seek to keep in good contact with our missionaries serving locally and around the world. We also enjoy invited appropriate speakers to come and share more about the world they are doing or preparing for.
Our fellowship team works together to offer a wide variety of opportunities to gather together with other believers throughout the calendar year.
Regular serving at the Banquet in Sioux Falls
Visitation Opportunities
Church Picnic
Various potlucks
Christmas Caroling
Nursing Home Visitation and Services
and other ideas as suggested
Our worship team works together to oversee the different opportunities for worship throughout the year. Special services include:
Advent and Lent Services
Christmas Eve
Maundy Thursday
Sunrise Service Easter morning
Thanksgiving Service-Fall
Other Services as they arise.